We had a fun Thanksgiving. Grandma Joyce, Grandpa Don, Katy, Arnold, and Denise visited from the Bay area and Mark, Donna, Mia, and Sam came down from Seattle. The food and the company were excellent.
This past weekend we decided to do a little hiking and hiked to the top of Multnomah falls in Oregon. The hike was beautiful and the kids did well. Even Nicki made it to the top without being carried.
Matthew did his Eagle project last Saturday. The project was to prepare an area at the Veterans Administration for display of a Viet Nam war Huey helicopter. Matthew did a great job planning and organizing the project. About 30 boys and adults helped with the project and we were able to complete the project in about 3 hours. Matthew was able to persuade Chipolte restaurant to donate 30 burritos and chips and guacamole for the project. Matthew now has just one more merit badge left (Cit. in the Community). Matthew will probably get his Eagle next spring. Yeah!
We spent Labor day at beautiful Mt. Rainer camping with Kristy sister, Donna, and her family. The weather was perfect and we all had a nice time. We camped at the same place last Labor day with Donna's family also. This is becoming a tradition.
Kristy's walking group (Happy Feet) did the Portland to Coast relay, which is a 100 mile walking race. They had a lot of fun and finished in the top 20% of their division. The team's matching shirts sure are cool.
James had a great birthday this year. He woke up to a delicious waffle breakfast in bed and some presents. Later in the day, he had some birthday fun with some friends at the local bowling alley. That night, Grandma Joyce, Grandpa Don, and aunt Katy arrived at our home and we enjoyed Korean BBQ and birthday cake. It doesn't get much better than that. James was ordained a deacon a couple of days later.
We visited the bay area to attend the Bob's brother's wedding. It was a great wedding and a fun time. We also took the opportunity to spend some time visiting with family and friends in the bay area. A week of visiting Bob's family, Kristy's family, and friends left us pretty tired. Matthew and James had a week of scout camp waiting for them at home.
Matthew and Bob went white-water rafting this past week on the Deschutes river in Oregon with the Teacher's Quorum in the ward. It was Matthew's first time rafting and he had a great time. The boys spent most of the trip splashing each other and trying to push each other out of the raft.
Kristy and the kids saw the new Harry Potter movie last week and Kristy has spent the past 2 weeks re-reading the books in the Harry Potter series all in preparation for reading the last of the Harry Potter books. Kristy stayed up until 4 am reading the this last book and seems satisfied with the last book. Now she'll be able to catch up on some sleep.
It's been pretty hot here this week. Most days in the 80's or 90's. Matthew went into Portland with a group from school and stopped by some fountains. Looks refreshing.