And the Alice Cooper one.
"It's the hap-hapiest season of all..." Yes, the kids have started school, and I'm just the teensiest bit ashamed to say that I am enjoying it very much. But I'm not too ashamed, because a happy mom makes for happy kids, and the kids do seem to be enjoying going back to school too.
Here are the photos from the end of summer party we had with the Bardsleys. We went to Portland for Voodoo Donuts, took a ride on the "flying boat" (a tram), and ate pizza at a place that one of Bob's co-workers later told us was known when he was a teenager as the place people went to buy pizza and less-than-legal substances. Which is a bit of a co-incidence, because Voodoo Donuts seems like a place that might offer a similar service today. Anyway, here's Donna, Mia, and Sam with their voodoo doll donut. Note the pretzels sticking out of the body.
And, here's the moment we've all been waiting for, the day the kids can walk two block to our new school that just opened. We have 3 families and 7 kids on our street who are now "Walkers". This is the first day's parade.
James is starting his 8th grade year doing a combination of homeschool and public school. He likes the program, and I think he will have a good year. Matthew started Seminary, and has a full schedule for his Junior year. He is taking Chemistry, Calculus, History, Spanish, PE, and AP English. Ouch, my brain hurts just thinking about it!