Friday, June 20, 2008

The big Nine

Emily turned the big nine-years-old. Kristy made a delicious cake. Emily had a fun party with just the family on her birthday. Then, on the following Saturday, Emily had a friends birthday party at an area water park. I think Emily's favorite b-day present was a Wii game called "mario smooth moves". The boys seem to enjoy the Wii game pretty well also. So, now we are pretty much done with summer birthdays until James in August.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Graduate

It's official. Nicki is now a pre-school graduate. She even has the diploma to prove it. Her class this year had a guinea pig (Rosco) as a class pet and guess who was the lucky student who gets to keep Rosco at their house during summer vacation. Yep, we'll be housing the little rodent for a few months. Stay tuned for some rodent pics later this month.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Nicki is 5

Nicki turned 5 and had a great birthday. We did a little birthday party for her and 7 of her friends; it was quite a party. The girls had a pretty fun time and we parents survived. The party was actually pretty fun, nobody got hurt and crying was pretty minimal.

The Big 15

Matthew turned 15 in May. He's growing up on us. For his B-day we took him and some friends at an amusement park. He also got a Wii game that he likes pretty well.

Mother's Day

Well, we did the usual Mother's Day gig: breakfast in bed, a few presents, some chocolates, and lots of thank yous for Kristy. Grandma Judy was also with and so we were able to treat her to the same. It was pretty great for Bob to be able to have a mother's day with his Mom and with Kristy.