Monday, July 27, 2009

Maui Day 3

We have just had breakfast, and the boys are playing their Nintendos. We are going to go snorkling in the pool soon, because the boys kind of freaked out in the ocean yesterday. Opps, Bob just kicked them out and told them to go to the pool. We are going to snorkle at Napili later this morning, once the boys realize that snorkling is easy. Yeesh.

Dad has planned out our meals for the day- lunch at Napili, dinner at Kimo's. No time to watch the 3 Lost discs we brought, but that is good- we can do that at home.

Yesterday we drove up to the top of Haleakala, and we were above the clouds, and could see the Big Island. I discovered that I am afraid of heights, because once we got above 9,000 feet I cringed every time we came to a corner, or anytime I looked down the side of the volcano. Surprisingly, I didn't mind walking around or climbing to the top of the hill near the visitor's center. Driving down wasn't too bad either, but wow, driving up those last 1,000 ft really was hard.

We also went to church yesterday in Kapalui, and we saw a gecko climbing the foyer wall. The church is pretty much the same anywhere you go, I guess . . . But the gecko was fun.


MAB said...

Emily is bored, and Nicki is having a good time. That's what the girls wanted to say.

Have fun!

Emily said...

sam is having a LOT of tantrums
:( its annoying

Emily said...

mom, on club penguin I only play 35 min. and it said my time is up. did you change the time thingy??????

Anonymous said...

actually, 35 min. actually is more resonable than 100 min. on club penguin.


Bob/Kristy said...

I didn't change the time on your club penguin account. Hopefully it is working fine now.